The Top Quality Group training is designed to provide training courses in aesthetic medicine. We started to add courses to our offer since 2016, and these range in several other areas, such as dentistry and gynaecology, pharmacy and physiotherapy, as well as professional aesthetics.
We are specialised in providing training on the most innovative technologies that treat dysfunctions and pathologies that generate ailments and disorders in patients, which can compromise their daily quality of life.
We have been pursuing our mission ever since the very beginning, which is to offer excellent training to healthcare personnel and wellness operators so as to prepare them to face a market that changes its demands and needs constantly.
Training Offer
The sole objective of our training offer is to support health and wellbeing persons in their professional growth and this is structured in a way so as to fulfil the various needs related to refresher courses and training.
Specific course details on request.
For paramedics
- Course for physiotherapists on the use of radiofrequency in post-surgical rehabilitation.
How physiotherapists should issue bills with a table of rates.
- Course for medical clinic assistants,
Radio frequency and electroporation, practical theory and billing.
- Course for dental assistants,
Radio frequency and electroporation, practical theory and billing.
For medical personnel
- Courses for gynaecologists and urologists, radiofrequency, electroporation and shock waves; which diseases we can treat and how to issue bills.
- Course for gynaecologists, urologists and physiotherapists; how to treat pelvic floor disorders with radiofrequency and electroporation. How to issue bills with TarMed
- Online course for all doctors, on treating pathologies with electroporation.
- Course for orthopaedists and physiotherapists; minimally invasive rehabilitation with radiofrequency and electroporation. How to issue bills with TarMed.
- Course for dentists; radiofrequency and electroporation in modern dental medicine. How to issue bills with SSO Rates and Dentotar.
- Course for dentists; minimally invasive dental treatment with radioskin. Brief introduction to billing. Minimally invasive pain therapy with radiofrequency, electroporation and electrostimulation.
Training in the field of aesthetic medicine and in the aesthetic sector
(Medicine and Aesthetic Surgery Sector, course for the Doctor and the assistant)
- technologies and Aesthetic medicine; how they are combined and what are the new techniques.
- Marketing in Aesthetic Medicine; how to communicate and maintain the patients’ loyalty.
( Aesthetic sector )
- Technologies and treatment in the booth – a winning combination
- Emotional selling – how to empathise with the customer.